Thursday, November 6, 2008


Ok, so I missed a couple days. Let's move on.

I am a bit of a fanatical coupon clipper. But I've been a combination of too busy and too tired and then I started this whole selling stuff business that I've fallen behind. Also, haven't been to the grocery store in like 3 weeks. We stopped at Target to pick up milk, but that's about it. I'm hoping to make it out for a big trip tomorrow night.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Pink eyes

All three kids have pink eye. Ugh. Also, I think Busby has either a bladder infection or a urniary tract infection. He keeps complaining that his butt hurts. He hasn't learned (in spite of what I keep telling him) that it's actually called a penis. I'd settle for any of the usual nick names. At least he's not still calling it his belly.

Today I accomplished ordering my new business cards. They should be here in a week.

Also, I sang to all three of my kids. I love doing that. Busby and Janet make requests. Janet's favorite is "THE BABY SONG!!" (Baby Mine) Busby only wants to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Most of the time they sing along with me. Love it Love it Love it.

Tomorrow's voting day. I'll be there, with or without bells on.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

First steps

The only thing I really did from yesterday's to-do list was promoting my Thirty One business. I sent out an email to just about everyone I know last night. So far, no hate emails telling me to shove it. :)

I did manage to get the family room cleaned up, and the sofa is no longer covered with an obscene amount of laundry in need of folding. The kids all have clean, folded, but not yet put away, clothes to wear to daycare tomorrow. Yeah!!!

I'm perpetually tired, but find myself unable to get to bed before 10:00 p.m. I don't want to believe I have over-booked myself, because I really think NaBloPoMo is going to be good for me. There is no other way for me to get myself to consistently blog unless I commit to something like NaBloPoMo.

Ok, so tired, but still must put my own clothes in the dryer...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A to do list

So much to do....

1. Clean my house.
2. Wash the laundry
3. Formulate some kind of weight loss plan
4. Promote my new business as an Independent Consultant for Thirty One.