Thursday, March 20, 2008

Back in the saddle

Tonight is the first night in a long, long time I have put the kids to bed by myself. Big Kahuna and I agreed that since I am no longer participating in the church choir, and he wants to, that he would go. So he's there, I'm here.

So far, nothing unusual. Changing the kids into jammies went much smoother than I anticipated. Janet climbed into bed on her own, but I think that's partially because she's not feeling well (see 101.9 post). And now I hear Busby playing out of his bedroom. Like I said, so far, nothing unusual.

Wish me luck. This looks like my Thursdays for the immediate future.

Update: Busby wanted to be rocked. He does this often. I just need to sit on the bed, hold him close, and rock back and forth. Janet was passed out. I think this is a new track record. It could also be the fever.

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