Wednesday, April 16, 2008

You have got to be kidding me.

So I skipped ahead to week 38 in Your Pregnancy Week by Week. In the "Your Nutrition" section, the first sentence is, "You may not feel much like eating about this time..." I know that 38 weeks is still a few days away, but I have a hard time imagining that my appetite will decrease that much between now and Sunday. Because good grief, I'm pretty sure I'm going to eat myself out of house and home pretty soon.

I've been trying to be really, really good, and eating lots of fruits to avoid the concentrated sugars in all that chocolate and cookies and brownies I have laying around. (Seriously. We still have 3 1/2 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies in the house.) But how many oranges and bananas can I eat before the baby is born? Apparently enough to stave off massive amounts of weight gain. But still. We're down to one banana and 2 oranges left in the house. Grocery day isn't until Saturday.

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