Friday, July 18, 2008

Old School

My thought train is back on track....

As I started to tell you the other day, BK was taming the wild jungle of our yard. And a door-to-door salesman stopped by.

Not just an ordinary d-t-d salesman. No. This guy is selling UVerse. My version of the conversation goes like this (and it's only slightly exagerated):

UVerse Guy: Hi, can I talk to you about your television?
BK: Umm...Ok.
UVerse Guy: What are you paying for your television?
BK: You mean what did we pay for the TV? Nothing, it was free. (Which it was. Got it as a wedding gift)
UVerse Guy: No, I mean your TV service?
BK: Nothing. We're using rabbit ears.
UVserve Guy: Really? (With a look of shock and disbelief.)
BK: Yes.
UVerse Guy: And you're happy with that? (Still shocked.)
BK: Yes.
UVerse Guy: How many televisions do you have in the house?
BK: Two.
UVerse Guy: [Looks even more shocked.] Have you already bought your digital converters?
BK: Sure have.
UVerse Guy: Can I ask where you get your phone service?
BK: From you.
UVerse Guy: And what do you pay for that?
BK: Something like $20/month.
UVerse Guy: Ok, and what about internet?
BK (and here's where he was less than truthful): We have dial-up. It's about $20/month.
UVerse Guy: And you're happy with that?
BK: Yes.

UVerse Guy did fill BK in on the "benefits" of paying AT&T $99/month, but in the end conceded that if BK was happy, he had nothing to sell us. I image he'll be talking about Mr. Satisfied for weeks.

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