Monday, February 25, 2008

The potty battle

And this time it is what you think.

Busby has not voluntarily gone to the bathroom since...I don't know when. We have to prod, cajole, threaten and cry to get him in there.

Janet demands to sit on the potty every time I change her diaper. And today, actually peed in the stupid thing. Which is a tiny miracle because she had to wait in line behind her non-peeing-in-the-potty brother. When she did pee, she said "Uh, Oh!" like she had made some huge mistake. I, of course, praised her and then tried to teach her about toilet paper. She looked at me like I was nuts. I tried to explain that it was like a baby wipe, but drier. She continued to look at me like I was nuts. Then she demanded to wash her hands.

This is her real motivation. She loves to wash her hands. Then brush her teeth. Then wash her hands again.

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