Monday, February 25, 2008

The potty battle

It's not what you think. This isn't a potty-training battle, it's a "If you are going to cry until to make yourself sick then by golly you're going to learn to throw up on the potty" battle.

I was trying to get Janet dressed this morning. She didn't want to get dressed, and started kicking her legs, which resulted in a jab to my 6.5 month pregnant belly. I immediately took hold of both of her legs, held them firmly to the table, looked her in the eyes, and said "Do Not Kick Mommy." Then she started to cry. The kind of cry she has done before which ends in her throwing up. I said No way are you puking on me again. If you're gonna puke, you're gonna do it in the potty. And I hauled her into the bathroom and stood her in front of the toilet. Which fairly well horrified her into stopping crying. I pretty sure she finds the idea of throwing up in the potty fairly revolting. I'm going to keep using this technique until she actually starts puking in the potty, or stops making herself sick by crying.

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