Thursday, March 6, 2008

His new best friend.

This morning, Busby said something about Janet that made me melt.

"Her is my new best friend."

How could you not love that? I'm pretty sure he's quoting The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's, since he keeps talking about Yellow McToad. But it's still so sweet that he said it about his sister.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't let her comment fool you, She had just been upset with something I had just said. I had just sat up in bed to talk to momma and the daring duo walked in our room in their footie jammies and rubbing there eyes and the first thing out of Busby's mouth was "She is my beeest friend." Yes it melted you insides into a pile of goo. I don't think either of us grownup's remember what had been up setting I am sorry babe for what ever it was SHMILY. Busby's comment saved my bacon. Thanks Bud. What a great way to wake up.