Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Apologies

I sent an email out to about 25 of you to let you know about this blog. In my email, I referred to myself as a dork, and a few of you have taken issue with that.

Ok, I'm not a dork. But I have to be honest, setting this thing up felt kind of silly at first. So I poked some fun at myself. But calling myself a dork for blogging is, to me, rather insulting. That is, it's insulting to the bloggers that I read and admire.

So, my apologies to the likes of Julie, Julia, Tiffany, Anne and the others. And I guess to myself. It seems like time to cut myself a little slack.


Anonymous said...

So you've just sent an e-mail to 25people telling them you are a dork. Don't dispair or be sorry, It's just practice really, for when your kids get older. You are just beginning to uncover your hidden "parent" talents. Over the years as your children become more aware that they are unavoidably related to you, you will hone your dorkiness skills. You can start small like you have already and work your way up to bigger displays of dorkiness. When my children were as young as five, they became acutely aware that if the right conditions exist I sometimes break into an ungangly and jerky set of dance steps not seen since Cindi Lauper's release of "girls just want to have fun" in the mid 80's. They find this harmless enough and even amusing in the privacy of our own home...but should I be forced to languish long enough in the women or childrens clothes section of the local department store a shocking display of white man dance is likely to ensue. Again, the older they get the more aghast they become at my behavior. A relatively anonymous display in a public area will typically elicit a response from the children ranging from falling down laughing to a quick exit from the scene.
Moving on to bigger displays of dorkiness requires a setting in direct line of sight of the childrens friends. Once you have mastered this art, you will be able to control your childrens behavior strictly by blackmail. "if you don't do what I say I'm going to start dancing".
Your own personal style of dorkiness will evolve over time. It might take the form of dorky clothes, dorky cars, dorky hobbies, eating dorky food, singing dorky songs, reading dorky books. The opportunities are endless.
So take pride in your own personal dorkiness! Develop your own niche! And always remember that god gave everyone their own gift of dorkiness that will undoubetedly match exactly with what will embarass your children most effectively. Further proof that he does have a sense of humor.

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouragement! I'll try to embrace and refine my inner dork in the coming years. Stay tuned!