Saturday, March 15, 2008

New fears or just being (almost) 2?

Janet has recently (in the last week) developed a fear/anxiety/refusal to bathe. That doesn't mean she doesn't get baths, it just means that she cries and yells and just stands in the bath water demanding to get out.

What's up with this new attitude? Up to now, she has loved bath time. She loves (loved) to get in while the tub is still filling and fill up toys under the running water. She would get upset when it was time to get out, not time to get in.

This morning she really needed a bath. We had pancakes for breakfast, and she smeared syrup all over her head. There was no getting out of a good scrubbing. We put her in, she stood up and cried and demanded to get out. That makes washing her without washing the floor really, really hard.

I don't get it. And I hope it passes soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah,... budding independence and individualism. There is no worse combination. (And at such a young age, yikes!)
Did your mother ever say, in a fit of rage and anxiety when you were somewhere between 2 and 18 years old; "one day I hope you have a daughter just like you!"...well guess what...she had a crystal ball to see the future and the past at the same time. Your mother most certainly heard the same thing from her mother. Call it carma. Its just my hunch, but I refer back to my earlier hypothesis that God does have a sense of humor.
There is no way you can anticipate it, there is no way you can stop it.
Individualism is where the "NO" comes from. It will take the form of clothes, hair, shoes, music. (ironicly their individualism will be EXACTLY like their friends) Independence will be fierce one moment and non-existant the next. In 5 years it will be something different. You will relish the day when standing in the tub refusing to take a bath was the worst thing you had to deal with.
The big Kahuna and "Busby" will begin to exchange panic-stricken glances when you and "Janet" get into it. There will be a urgent "project" in the garage or basement that needs to be done. Dont take it out on them. Its self preservation. Cavemen did it 10,000 years ago and so will your cavemen.
Will it pass soon? Put simply, no...but you were built to take it. You will do a great job, just say a little prayer and take solace in the fact that about a billion other moms have faced the same thing.
Keep up the great work !