Friday, March 14, 2008

Tantrum watch: 3/15/08

I mentioned in my last post that Janet had two tantrums this evening. I'm sure your inquiring mind wants to know what the problems were.

Tantrum #1: I wouldn't let her walk around the house with a sippy cup of milk. (I have been trying to enforce a "take a drink and leave the cup on the table" rule.) Janet didn't appreciate this imposition on her plans, so enter the tantrum. She screams, cries, points, says a lot of "no's," screams some more, demands her cup, then throws herself face down on the floor and begins to flail and kick her feet. She turns over on her back and discovers that she can kick higher and harder in this position. This exciting discovery is not enough to deter the tantrum for a good 3 minutes. I just ignored her and continued my conversation with Grandpa. She eventually got over it, and got up to play.

Tantrum #2: Grandma took Janet outside to see the deer that were invading the back yard. Then Grandma brought her back in. Apparently against her will. She cried, screamed, pointed to the window, demanded to go out, then threw herself on the floor, this time assuming the face up position much more quickly to try out her newfound tantrum feature of kicking harder than ever. I again reminded her that there would be consequences for making herself sick, and walked away. (That, by the way, is one of the joys of Grandma & Grandpa's house: walking away from a crying child because you know there is someone else that will help out.) She eventually got over it, as expected.

There was a third episode this evening that, had she been on the ground, would likely have been Tantrum #3. I was getting her out of the car, which she didn't appreciate because she specifically requested Daddy. I got the 89 point harness on her carseat undone, lifted her out, and she immediately started flailing, almost causing me to drop her on the hard concrete garage floor. I hollered, Big Kahuna came to help, and carried her under his arm while she threw her fit, and I didn't have to my belly pummeled by two angry legs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing good comes from fighting a tantrum. You have learned early, good for you. It will save you loads of stress.
Its imperitive that never give in. It's a sign of weakness and the children will exploit you endlessly. I've had my moments of weakness and caved in when one child was having a fit, only to discover another child suddenly assuming the same position and begin screaming their demands as well. Don't dispare, when you have moments of weakness, just pray that your spouse is there to take over. Sounds like the big Kahuna got there just in time.
Keep up the good work !