Friday, March 14, 2008

The week in review (or a lack of anything substanative to write)

1. Potty training is still not going well. Monday, Busby wore underpants all day, and went to the bathroom every 30 minutes as long as I reminded him. There was only 1 accident, but it was later in the day. I thought we'd be in the clear to try again Tuesday. 30 minutes after getting dressed, he was soaked. I didn't even have a chance to remind him to go to the bathroom. This is really taxing my patience.

2. Physical therapy is going fine so far. The reason for PT is nasty hip pain. There's more to it, but the details almost amount to too much information on a blog about the kids.

3. The kids have not adjusted well to Daylight Saving Time. Janet especially is having a hard time, since she would prefer to sleep in an hour later than Busby.

4. In spite of the time change, Busby was up and out of bed at 6:15 this morning. He came in the bathroom while I was showering and asked for pancakes.

5. I'm pretty sure if Busby had his way, we would eat pancakes for breakfast and mac & cheese for lunch every day. You can ask him any day of the week, and he'll generally give those as his preferred meal choice.

6. When ever I ask Janet a yes/no question, she immediately answers no, then often reconsiders and answers yes. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to commit until she's considered her options for .0010 seconds.

7. Speaking of Janet, she had 2 doozy tantrums at Grandpa & Grandma's this evening. I just calmly reminded her that there would be consequences if she made herself sick, then I walked away.

8. It's 10:00 p.m., I haven't done my grocery list for tomorrow yet, and there are 4 1/2 boxes of Girl Scout cookies sitting next to me. Something about this picture isn't right.

9. Left over pizza: refrigerate or not? I say refrigerate, because it's nasty to eat leftovers that have been sitting out all night. Big Kahuna says "if you left this out, you could probably still eat this a month after cooking it" -- because of the preservatives. What do you think? Leave a comment, anonymous or otherwise, so at least I know you are out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My advice: Eat the pizza.
Potty traing is almost always finished by the time they reach high school. Lord knows its a patience tester, you'll make it.
Pancakes and mac & cheese are staples of early childhood nourishment. Some of us never progress past the simple things in life. My weakness is peanut butter sandwiches...I still have at least one every day.
I'm convinced that children become possessed by demons the instant you try to leave grandparents houses. The good news is that you don't need a priest for an exorcism . The worse they act, the more tired they are and the faster they will konk out. After a particularly embarrassing "episode", we've had a child fall asleep in the back seat before we even backed out of the driveway. It's no accident that God designed them to look so cute when they sleep. You might just abandon them or worse.
Oh, and on the topic of sleeping, don't worry, soon you'll have to pry them out of bed...mostly on school days.
We have a rule in our house, don't bother mom in the shower. Nothing good ever comes from matter who you are or what your emergency. As far as I know, no one has ever starved to death or died of thirst while mom is in the shower.
Keep up the good work !