Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Countdown to Baby (3 weeks-ish left)

Today, Busby came up and hugged my belly and declared, "I love my baby sister!" Doesn't that just make you melt?

I had an ultrasound today, and everything is looking good. Baby is estimated to be 6 lbs 13 oz.!!! At this point with Janet, she was 9 lbs. McCloud is really, really low, head down, and (in my opinion) undecided whether to start forcing her way out. Her very low position made it impossible to get a good picture of her face. But we have learned that she likes to hold her toes. I'm pretty sure this means we will never get her swaddled.

I also had a regularly scheduled OB appointment this afternoon. In light of the baby's light weight, and lack of dilation progress, she's going to take the wait and see approach, at least for the next couple weeks. I'm taking the day-to-day approach. This weekend I had some fairly intense contractions, though few and spread out. But they were real, and I was almost sure we were getting close. I've probably jinxed myself by being packed and purchasing a baby book. Also, we've left a bag for Busby & Janet over at Grandma & Grandpa's already.

Maybe she's waiting for us to finally settle on a name, or get it down to a couple of choices.

In other news, we got the kids (namely Janet) to take a tub bath. When we were getting ready, she was all good until she realized that Daddy was not getting ready as well. I put her in anyway. The thing that got her involved was pulling the shower curtain and letting them splash for a good 5 minutes. That got her wet and in the water. She let me wash her down without complaint. Yeah!

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