Sunday, April 27, 2008

Today is Janet's second birthday!!!! I cannot believe that she's two.

What to say about her? How should I describe her? She's bright, she absorbs everything. She loves shoes and purses. She hates for me to brush her hair until I say it's time to do her hair, then she will sit still. She loves to splash in the bath tub. She's generous and selfish at the same time. She's moody, and she's a screamer. She loves me and her dad and her brother, and wants her own way all the time. She eats almost anything you give her. She calls the lava lamp the "apple light." She has a big plush cat that she calls "Puppy." She has a small plush cat that she calls "Monkey." She sucks her thumb, and holds a binky against her forehead as she falls asleep. She doesn't like to say please with her requests. But she does anyway. She's fast to say thank you and fast to apologize. She loves to play with the toy kitchen. She loves her new baby doll stroller. She doesn't love to share her toys, but does anyway, because we make her brother share. She has blond, curly hair that I haven't had cut yet. Because I just can't bear to. She has hazel eyes that will drill into your soul. Her favorite movie is "The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's."

That's just a glimpse of Janet. She's amazing. Happy Birthday, baby girl.

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