Monday, April 28, 2008

McCloud has arrived !!!


We checked in to the hospital at about 7:30 this morning to get things started, Momma was greeted by Maggie ( our, ok her nurse ) with a big hug and peck on the cheek.  When I arrived with last minute luggage Momma was absolutely glowing!  Maggie has been a labor and delivery nurse for quite some time, when asked how long had she been a L&D nurse she simply smiled and said I started this morning about an hour ago.  So that may have been when she clocked in this morning but she also talked about being in “her art” (Nursing, and she did have it down to a  art form) and helping with the delivery of some people in our community that are that are about my age!  She kept us very comfortable and very happy! THANK YOU MAGGIE.


McCloud made her appearance at 12:06pm (noon).  She weighed 8 lbs. even and is 20 inches long.  She has blondish baby hair that actually looks like she has highlights, and the instant I saw her she yanked my heart out and wrapped it around her little finger.  Pretty tricky prospect seeing as this has happened about the same time after Janet was borne as well.  I called Grandma and Grandpa to tell them and also talked to Busby, when I told him that I was holding his new baby sister he gave the most excited giggle and said “I love you daddy” and then asked Grandma to turn on the movie.  All is well baby and momma doing super and I am headed to bed besides I need to leave the high points of the day for momma to blog about.


Big Kahuna

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