Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mothersteim's Day

Yesterday was my 4th Mother's Day as a Mom. It's my second Mother's Day with a weeks-old baby. It was my first as a mother of 3.

McCloud and I didn't make it to church yesterday. But Big Kahuna took Bubsy and Janet with him to choir practice then deposited them in Sunday School. When they came home, Busby walked in, very excited and holding out a bag and said "Happy Motherstiem's Day Mommy!" and gave me a potted plant that was supplied by Mrs. B, one of his Sunday School teachers. (You may recall that he kept declaring "Happy Balensteim's Day" on February 14th.) I almost fell over laughing, and needed tissues for the tears running down my face. Tears of happiness.

I hope your Mothersteim's Day was great.

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