Thursday, May 8, 2008

What's in a name?

Busby and Janet have been great with the baby. They are each attentive in their own ways. Busby's way is to decide that the baby, while sleeping, needs a binky. And to be patted on the head. Janet's way of paying attention is to squeeze herself into the Laz-y-Boy chair with me while I'm nursing, and holding the baby's feet. They both appear to be doing well with the new baby in the house.

But Busby has developed an annoying habit. He has started calling us "mama" and "dada." And using a really baby-ish tone when doing it. Last night at dinner, I reminded him that I am "Mommy" and that Daddy is "Daddy." Then Big Kahuna said "I'd liked to be called 'Funky Winkerbean.'" (Big Kahuna looks nothing like Funky Winkerbean, by the way.) So I asked Busby to call his daddy "Funky Winkerbean." To which he responded "Funny Weinerbeans." It only devolved from there. I can't remember all of the variations, but I can tell you I was still laughing about it when I went to bed last night. Busby eventually landed on "Funny Weinerforkandspoon." Today he went back to calling daddy "Daddy."

1 comment:

dawn224 said...

all of those names are hysterical - oh I fear Alex starting to talk!