Busby's due date was December 22. At 5:00 on the morning of December 15 I woke up absolutely sure that my water had broken. So I laid there and waited for the inevitable whoosh of nasty. Nothing happened. I decided I was likely wrong about my water breaking, and went back to sleep for an hour. I got up at 6:00 as usual and got ready for work.
At work, I kept having to go to the bathroom. Every time I stood up I felt like I was peeing my pants. At about 9:00 I squatted down to put something away on a low book shelf and felt a nasty pain in my lower abdomen. I decided it wasn't a contraction, because it was NOT AT ALL the way my doctor described a contraction would feel. I complained to the receptionist about having to pee a lot, because she was pregnant as well, and I thought I should warn her about the increased frequency in bathroom trips. Well, she decided that I needed to go to the doctor, and involved two of the lawyers. They were waiting for me when I returned from the restroom, and informed me that I should call the doctor. I called, was told to come in, and was driven to the doc's office. The doctor confirmed that my water had indeed broken, and that I was in labor, and that I had plenty of time before I needed to worry about delivering wee Busby. She projected that he would arrive between midnight and 2 a.m. Therefore, Big Kahuna took me home so he could shower. I fixed him a pb&j between what I steadfastly refused to believe were contractions. (I am the greatest wife ever.)
We arrived at the hospital at 3:00 p.m., began check-in, and were escorted to labor & delivery. My not-contractions were getting bad enough that it was decided to complete my check in process in my hospital room. I got the epidural at 5:30ish (I think), began pushing at 6:15ish, and Busby arrived at 7:03 p.m., 8 lbs 12 oz and all red.
At 37 1/2 weeks pregnant with Janet I was induced due to miss thing being large for gestational age. We arrived at the hospital at about 6:15 a.m., checked in, and were escorted to L&D. At about 7:30 the drugs were introduced. Labor progressed painlessly. I ate all of the Popsicles they had and watched Muppet movies on the room's DVD player. Then my doc stopped by at lunch and broke my water. That's when the fun began and I demanded an epidural. At 2:15 I told the nurse it was time, the doc arrived shortly, I began pushing at 2:45, and Janet popped out at 3:00 p.m. Then I demanded some lunch.
Both Busby and Janet were delivered at the same hospital, and that is the place where we plan to deliver McCloud. It's a great facility, and it has the best grilled cheese sandwiches and chocolate shakes. And I absolutely take advantage of the 24 hour room service.
Can't beat a place w/ muppet movies and good grilled cheese. I love the names for the kids.. Janet just makes me laugh for some reason and I don't know why..I keep thinking of Rocky Horror...which I know is horrible after reading about the miracle of life :-)
I want a great hospital! I am so jealous.
Your labor and deliveries sound pretty great, I hope this one goes easy and quickly for you too.
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