Thursday, March 27, 2008

Reading the signs

On our commute home, we pass several auto dealerships. Today, Busby said "Look, Mommy, that has the same letters as your teering wheel!" I looked up and saw a sign for the Jeep dealership. I asked him "Do you mean that sign has the same letters as my steering wheel?" And he said "Yes, same letters. And your teering wheel has a bird on it." From the back seat, the horn on the steering wheel apparently looks like a bird. :) Then I asked Busby to tell me the letters on the steering wheel, and he correctly identified the J, but is unfamiliar with lower case "e," so I helped him out there, and he knew the p.

Earlier this week, while I was at the doctor for my 34 week prenatal appointment, Busby and his grandma played with some letter magnets and cards, and Busby put them in order, on his own. Then he put the number magnets in order from 1-9.

I'm so amazed and proud of him. I often wonder if I'm not doing enough to encourage his learning of letters and numbers. But he has done soooo well. He has learned his colors, he knows most shapes, and can give you the total low down on Stop signs: it's a octagon, it's red, and has the letters S-T-O-P.

On Tuesday I introduced the joys of Candy Land to my children. The box says for ages 3-6, so I figured I have just enough maturity to pull it off. It's a Winnie the Pooh edition. Busby did very well. Janet, on the other hand, only wanted to play with Poops (Pooh) and the Cow (Eyeore). I have never heard Eyeore "moo" before. It was a definite improvement over his usual demeanor. Busby really started to get the hang of identifying the direction of the path, and when the next time the selected color appears. I'll be honest, I made sure he won the first couple times we played. Tonight I didn't do that. And he didn't even notice. He was thrilled that my Piglet piece made it to the party, and was happy for his Tigger piece to join mine.

Busby has begun interacting with Diego on the videos. It is so adorable, I almost can't stand it. He answers the questions, yells out the words with prompted, and does the lifting, climbing and swimming motions. Diego may be one of the most annoying characters ever, but the kids love him.

Oh, joy of joys, the new They Might Be Giants Here Come the 123's CD/DVD arrived this week!!! It is sooo much fun. You can click over to Amazon and listen to the samples. But I'll be honest, it is totally worth purchasing.

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