Saturday, March 29, 2008

Horse Rides are Not for Whiners (or Kids Who Get Out of the Cart)

This morning I braved it. I took the kids to Stuff Mart all by myself. Once upon a time, this wasn't that big of a feat. I used to do it all the time. But the more pregnant I have become, the less I have been interested in taking Busby and Janet to grocery shop without some type of back up. That's why my grocery day moved from Tuesday to Saturday. Big Kahuna has generally been available on Saturdays to shop with us. But not today. He is working today.

Busby let me sleep until 7:30 this morning, so I was feeling rested in spite of the fact that I was up for an hour of pregnancy insomnia last night. Busby wanted freezer waffles for breakfast. He ate 3 bites and declared himself done. Janet woke just after 8:00, and requested pop tarts. She ate more than her brother (typical). Then I got them dressed and out the door at 9:15ish. Yeah me!!

Busby then insisted on talking each and every time I tried to turn the radio volume up. I think it was because I wouldn't play the CD he wanted. He also kept insisting that he "knows what it means" but couldn't tell me what he was talking about.

We made it Stuff Mart, I found a cart that would hold two kids, my purse, my reusable bags*, and my clip board with my shopping list. We were going around the store, and Busby kept asking to walk. I don't feel he's trustworthy enough to stick with me yet, so I told him no. Halfway through the store he undid his belt and got off the cart anyway. So we had a discussion in the middle of canned goods about how if he doesn't start listening to Mommy and stay in the cart, there will be no horse ride. (Stuff Mart has the mechanical horses for a penny. No joke.) Well, 2 fits and 4 times off the cart later, we were through the checkout and heading out. Both kids crying because there would be no horse rides today. I don't feel bad about it at all. Those horse rides should be a reward, and I will not reward disobeying Mommy's directions.

We got out to the car, and the door swung back and hit Janet in the face. She has a lovely red mark just beside her eye.

Now, for much cuteness: On the way home, Busby said "Mommy, I'm sleepy. Can I take a rest when we get home?" Sure thing, Kiddo. Only he stayed in bed for a mere 7 minutes. Then got up and asked for lunch. Oh well.

Long story abbreviated: I took my 8 month pregnant self and two toddlers grocery shopping without backup and survived to tell the story. Also, Coupon Savings = $17.75. Total Savings (sale prices + coupons) = $46.63. Woo Hoo!!! Now I need a nap.

* I purchased 5 reusable bags last week at Stuff Mart. Stuff Mart and another local grocery store sell them for $1 each. They are quite handy, and I learned today that when you bring them in and use them, you get some type of credit on your grocery bill. YEAH!!! But what is up with Target charging $1.49 for theirs?

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