Sunday, March 23, 2008

I nominate myself ...

I really wanted to nominate myself for mommy of the year, but Big Kahuna said I only qualified for Mommy of the day. So, for your consideration, I present the following reasons to vote me Mommy of the day:

1. I woke my children up from their naps. (Sorry, Mother-in-law. I know this violates your "never wake a sleeping baby" rule.) Reason: The kiddos didn't go down for "resting time" until 5:00. At 6:20 I woke them up to eat some dinner. Also, so they won't wake up at 5:30 tomorrow morning, they will be staying up 30 to 60 minutes past their bed time.

2. Instead of insisting that they eat their mac-n-cheese and hot dogs for dinner, I let them eat Easter candy. (And what better way to honor the risen Lord than with Peeps and Pez?)

3. In order to quell the whining after dinner (dessert?), they watched Sumo of the Opera. Beginning at 7:30 ish. Actually, I really enjoy Sumo. There's a really fun bit about the history of St. Patrick. Did you know that his given name was Maewyn Succat? It's fun to say "Maewyn Succat has a nice ring to it" when discussing baby names.

4. I ignored them for 20 minutes while talking on the phone to a friend whose cat just died unexpectedly. I kept saying, "Go ask Daddy."

So, thanks for your consideration on this nomination.

The Easter Report: I hope you and yours had as nice an Easter as we did. The Easter Bunny left lovely gifts and chocolate filled plastic eggs for the kids. Their favorite part was the blue plastic grass that Busby kept "flowering" with the new toy watering can that Janet received with her sandbox toys. ("I have to flower the grass, Mommy.") Today was my first Sunday getting the kids to church solo, and it went pretty well. (Thank goodness for TMBG's ABC DVD that auto plays so that I can shower and dress.) We got to the church on time for Sunday School, which I dropped Busby off for. Janet was deposited in the nursery. I ditched adult Sunday School to hang out with the Choir for an hour. After Sunday School, Busby insisted on attending worship with me, did pretty well, and kept telling me "Jesus loves you". At the end of worship Busby hung out with Uncle D. while I joined the chancel choir for the annual singing of the Hallelujah Chorus. It was a lot of fun! Then we retrieved Janet from the nursery, where she had had enough of the other little uns, and was quickly on the hunt for Daddy and Grandpa. We had a great time at Grandma & Grandpa's until late in the afternoon when Janet cried so hard she made herself sick. Then we packed up and came home to the late naps and candy for dinner. Happy Easter. He is Risen Indeed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know that i think you're a great mom! and i really think it's awesome you let the kids eat candy for dinner. you rock! i love it! :)