Sunday, June 1, 2008

Chocolate Fountain

Yesterday, Busby and McCloud were napping, and Janet was playing quietly on her own, so I left them all with Big Kahuna and went to the library. I spent a lovely time perusing the fiction section and the DVDs. I came home with two items from each section. All in all, it was a nice quiet break from my children, and I came home a little refreshed.

I arrived home to Big Kahuna carrying some trash out to the garage. When I got out of the car, BK asked me how much chocolate I had given to Janet. I hadn't given any chocolate to Janet, and told BK that she had chocolate milk at lunch. He said, "No, she just got in trouble, and then threw up. It was a lot of chocolate." I personally found this puzzling since I hadn't given her any chocolate. I walked in and looked around. I discovered that I had left a bag of Dove dark chocolates sitting open on an end table. Janet also discovered that I had left a bag of Dove dark chocolates sitting open on an end table. From the evidence, she ate about 10 of them. Then got in trouble for an unrelated offense and cried so hard she threw it all up on her father. All in all, a rather effective way of dirtying up a mostly white shirt.

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