Monday, July 14, 2008

Shoo Monster...and I don't mean Imelda Marcos

Busby has a tendency to get out of bed after he's been tucked in for the evening. The reason? "I scared, Mommy." "Of what?" "Monsters." "Where are the monsters?" "Outside my window." So we go. We look. And then I tell him that monsters cannot climb up the hill to the house, because monsters roll down hills. Then I tell him if he thinks there is one close by, to clap twice, and say "Shoo Monster!" There have been many, many nights that we have heard faint declarations of "Shoo Monster!" coming from Busby and Janet's room.

Tonight, like most other nights, he came out of his room. Only this time he said "My arm is scared." Hmmm..... "Which arm." "This one." (Indicating the left.) I kissed his scared left arm three times, then told him to take it back to bed. Before Daddy comes and bites it.

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