Thursday, November 6, 2008
I am a bit of a fanatical coupon clipper. But I've been a combination of too busy and too tired and then I started this whole selling stuff business that I've fallen behind. Also, haven't been to the grocery store in like 3 weeks. We stopped at Target to pick up milk, but that's about it. I'm hoping to make it out for a big trip tomorrow night.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Pink eyes
Today I accomplished ordering my new business cards. They should be here in a week.
Also, I sang to all three of my kids. I love doing that. Busby and Janet make requests. Janet's favorite is "THE BABY SONG!!" (Baby Mine) Busby only wants to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Most of the time they sing along with me. Love it Love it Love it.
Tomorrow's voting day. I'll be there, with or without bells on.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
First steps
I did manage to get the family room cleaned up, and the sofa is no longer covered with an obscene amount of laundry in need of folding. The kids all have clean, folded, but not yet put away, clothes to wear to daycare tomorrow. Yeah!!!
I'm perpetually tired, but find myself unable to get to bed before 10:00 p.m. I don't want to believe I have over-booked myself, because I really think NaBloPoMo is going to be good for me. There is no other way for me to get myself to consistently blog unless I commit to something like NaBloPoMo.
Ok, so tired, but still must put my own clothes in the dryer...
Saturday, November 1, 2008
A to do list
1. Clean my house.
2. Wash the laundry
3. Formulate some kind of weight loss plan
4. Promote my new business as an Independent Consultant for Thirty One.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
A word from Big Kahuna
He said I had to put that he was surfing for stupid stuff. I think he found some.
Friday, September 19, 2008
For the last four mornings on the way to work, my son has told me "When I grow up, I want to be a fire man." (He says the words independently – fire man, not fireman.) Lots of parents tell their kids they can be whatever they want when they grow up, but secretly hope their child doesn't enter into a dangerous profession like snake charming, lion taming, or fire fighting. I'm not one of those parents. You see, my grandfather was a volunteer fire fighter. So was my father. Which was cool, because back in the day, your kid got to ride in the fire truck during parades and throw candy at the spectators.
My husband was a volunteer fire fighter when we were dating and engaged. When we got married, we did the local department tradition of riding on the back of the engine to Main Street, where the groom wheels the bride down one block in a wheelbarrow
(Want to make your wedding photographer really excited? Tell him he can ride on the hose bed of a fire truck after the ceremony.)
If Busby wants to be a fire man, I'm not going to stop him. After all, fire setting is in his blood. Shouldn't fire fighting be as well?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
In the last 24 hours
My husband's best friend's father died. From cancer.
One of the lawyers I work with gave notice, then left the building. Forever.
This has been a weird day to say the least.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Making time
Then it happens. You have this wonderful little baby in your arms. Busby was all red and sleepy and cuddly and small when he was born. Now he's almost 4. He says things like "This is serious, mom," and "you need to be nicer to people," and "I need to tell you something mommy." And I'm all like, WHOA!!! Who are you, and where is my little baby? He proudly tells me his full name, and tells me that McCloud is playing on the floor. Hmmm.
When you're pregnant with your second child, people tell you that you'll really have no time now, and that you're crazy for having your kids so close together, and to kiss clean laundry goodby. And you vow that you will make time for your husband, and you will still see your friends, and that in the name of all that is holy, you will wear clean clothes every day.
But then I had a 17 month old and a newborn. Egads! And my newborn was not nearly as small as her brother. Janet was a ferocious eater that had me thinking I may never be without a Boppy pillow around me again. But, of course, she's grown. And according to my father, she is a Mini Me. She's plump, blond, and opinionated. She throws fits and cries until she pukes. And when you put her pj's on her, she says "I'm the princess!" She loves to have ponytails and barretts in her hair. She carries a purse and almost always has a plush kitten with her. She's fiercly loyal to her brother, and will not hesitate to knock him down for the toy she wants.
When you're pregnant with your third child, people tell you that it's no longer man-to-man, it's time for a zone defense. And they question how you will pack three kids into that Jeep Grand Cherokee. Are you going to buy that minivan you've been coveting? They ask if you are going to build onto your house, so that none of the kids will have to share a room. And they question your ability to give this child as much attention as the first or second.
So, McCloud arrives. Small and red and squinty-eyed the day after her sister's 2nd birthday. She's calm. She observes. She lights up when someone smiles at her. She is zealously watched over by her brother and sister. She goes to bed at 7 p.m. and sleeps 12 hours.
So I don't get to shower every day. And I'm often wearing clothes that have been spit-up on, but deemed good enough to wear again before washing. And no, I don't get to give her as much attention at this stage of the game as I would like. But I do go in her room while she's sleeping. I touch her face and hold her hand and tell her all about her family. When she stays awake longer, I'll get to read to her more, and sing to her more, and get to hear her stories. But for now, watching her sleep is enough.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Next she'll be driving
She's on her stomach.
She rolled over, and I totally missed it.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Play ball
Janet has a Precious Moments piggy bank that is smaller than Busby's bank. It doesn't sing at all.
This evening Busby said to me, "My mommy piggy has balls on it."
Call me juvenile, but that was funny.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
No Words
The only thing I can think of is, "I have no response to that."*
*I stole that line from a co-worker, who stole it from "Joe vs. The Volcano."
My name and picture are now on this blog. Even though the picture also features the very beautiful McCloud, I'm still conflicted about posting pics of the kids.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Hold Me Tight
This was a criminal matter that was being tried. I don't do criminal law. So I have no real knowledge of criminal procedure. (Civil procedure I'm pretty good at. I can even do bankruptcy procedure - but I don't really care for it.) This wasn't just any criminal matter, though. This was a case of (Count I) Child Molest and (Count II) Sexual Misconduct with a Minor. This was an ugly case, with a shocking lack of familial support for the victim.
The jury was 7 women, 5 men, variety of ages and experience. We also had a variety of children/grandchildren that we could claim.
Day one consisted of 6 hours of jury selection, then we began the trial. We heard testimony for about 1 1/2 hours. Day two consisted of 8 hours of testimony/lunch/attorneys-duking-it-out-while-the-jury-was-told-to-wait and so on. The case was given to the jury at about 4:30 p.m. We finally returned the verdict(s) at 9:30 p.m. All the while, the court accommodated my need to pump.
The defendant was guilty on both counts.
The jurors were invited to stay and speak with the judge if we wished. My wish was to high-tail it out of there ASAP. I was delighted to learn that representatives of the Sheriff's department were available to escort us to our vehicles if we so desired. I did. This is a rural community, and people have guns in their cars. I was not going to hang around and risk running into family members.
Why do I tell you this? Because it made me hold my children closer. It helped remind me of the kind of man my husband is, and why I married him. And, it made me cry.
I don't cry much these days. 25 days after McCloud was born, I couldn't stop crying. I didn't realize it was a problem until Big Kahuna said I needed to do something about the constant tears immediately. I discussed it with my doctor, and he determined that an anti-depressant was in order.
This was a possibility I had discussed with my OB before McCloud's birth. I strongly suspect that I suffered from undiagnosed post-partum depression when both Busby and Janet were infants. Also, I have emotionally struggled with breastfeeding with each child. Actually, I have hated it, time and again. But I always kept doing it because it's the best thing for baby.
I mentioned holding my children closer. When I got home at 10:00 p.m. after the trial concluded, I got into bed with my sleeping son and whispered in his ear. I told him that his mommy and daddy love him, and we will always be there for him, and we are his biggest fans. I've told this to both of my daughters as well. I have crawled into bed with Janet and held her until she has drifted off to sleep. Two nights ago I picked up a sleeping McCloud and took her to bed with me, so that I could hold her to me while she slept. Tonight, Busby needed some cuddling. So I laid down with him and rubbed his feet. The only problem is that he tosses and turns. A lot. Eventually I got up, but offered to let him sleep with the one stuffed animal I kept from my childhood - a baby fawn that was made for me by my grandmother. He looked absolutely delighted. And he promised to stay in bed and go to sleep.
The point of this rambling post? Maybe it's a reminder to be the kids' biggest cheerleader and to hug them a lot.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Home Again
Yesterday, we visited my hometown to go to a festival that I knew would be loads of fun for my kids. It was great. Although, the pork burgers were severely sub-par. Pork producers, why did you sell out? We also took a lap through the neighboring state park to pick out our spots for an upcoming camping trip. Then we headed home.
We live in a "small" town outside of the state capital. It's quickly becoming a suburb as this town and the capital grow into each other. But it still has a "small town" feel, which I love.
As we arrived in town last night, and we drove around the golf course to the road that leads to our house, I said, "This is home." Even though BK and I have been married for almost 8 years, and have resided in this house for 5 years, last night was the first time that I consciously understood that this is where I live. There is a new road and new landmarks that lead to my home now. The home where my husband and children are.
I know that may not make a lot of sense. Sadly, my mother recently lost her home as part of the mortgage/foreclosure problem that is currently plaguing the country. Up until my mom had to move, there was always a place to go in my hometown that was my "home."
The loss of a house that holds so many important memories of my early years had such a large impact, but I didn't realize it until last night. And as we approached this house - the one that BK's grandparents built, with their own hands - I truly began to appreciate the place my heart calls home.
After reading this post, BK encouraged me to send it to the Vinyl Cafe Story Exchange. I hope Stuart likes it.
Friday, July 18, 2008
If the hat fits
Sure! (It's only 85 degrees outside. A winter sock hat from w winters ago it totally appropriate.)
Mommy, will you tie the strings on my (winter sock) hat (from 2 winters ago), please?
Sure! This hat is too small for you.
No it isn't.
Yes, it is.
No it isn't. It fits fine.
Who's your Daddy?
Busby: I need to call Daddy's Mom and Dad.
Me: Oh really? Who are Daddy's Mom and Dad?
Busby: mmmmm.....
Me: Well, who are Daddy's Mom and Dad?
Busby: Papaw and Grandma.
Me: Very Good! Who is Mommy's Daddy?
Busby: Pop!
Me: That's right. And who is Mommy's Mommy?
Busby: Aunt J.
Me: Ummm.....
Busby: No! Your Mommy is Grammy! Aunt J is your sister. I was making a joke. hahahahaha.
Me: That's funny!
Me: Aunt J is mommy's sister. Who is mommy's brother?
Busby: Daddy.
Me: Ummm.....No. Daddy is Mommy's husband.
Busby: Daddy is your husband? Who is Mommy's wife?
Old School
As I started to tell you the other day, BK was taming the wild jungle of our yard. And a door-to-door salesman stopped by.
Not just an ordinary d-t-d salesman. No. This guy is selling UVerse. My version of the conversation goes like this (and it's only slightly exagerated):
UVerse Guy: Hi, can I talk to you about your television?
BK: Umm...Ok.
UVerse Guy: What are you paying for your television?
BK: You mean what did we pay for the TV? Nothing, it was free. (Which it was. Got it as a wedding gift)
UVerse Guy: No, I mean your TV service?
BK: Nothing. We're using rabbit ears.
UVserve Guy: Really? (With a look of shock and disbelief.)
BK: Yes.
UVerse Guy: And you're happy with that? (Still shocked.)
BK: Yes.
UVerse Guy: How many televisions do you have in the house?
BK: Two.
UVerse Guy: [Looks even more shocked.] Have you already bought your digital converters?
BK: Sure have.
UVerse Guy: Can I ask where you get your phone service?
BK: From you.
UVerse Guy: And what do you pay for that?
BK: Something like $20/month.
UVerse Guy: Ok, and what about internet?
BK (and here's where he was less than truthful): We have dial-up. It's about $20/month.
UVerse Guy: And you're happy with that?
BK: Yes.
UVerse Guy did fill BK in on the "benefits" of paying AT&T $99/month, but in the end conceded that if BK was happy, he had nothing to sell us. I image he'll be talking about Mr. Satisfied for weeks.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Off track
Ok, that's an exaggeration. It's only been 2 weeks, and with very, very good reasons. Which I mostly don't want to discuss.
Just now, there was a loud crack/boom outside. And my train of thought totally derailed. I have entirely failed to remember what I was going to blog about.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
It's my party
Monday, July 14, 2008
Branching Out
But there are other things I want to talk about. Like books that I've recently read that I love (Enchanted; A Criminal Appeal) and those that I don't love (Audition). And new discoveries in my faith journey. And my hobby/passion/obsession: saving money.
So hang with me, and we'll see how much I can over share. :)
Now that's blogable!
But some examples:
"More mashed tay-toes!" - Janet
"Daddy, I like your new underwear." - Busby
"ooo agh hahahahaha *waives right fist with joy at mobile animals*" - McCloud
"I really, really don't like this Barbara Walters book." - Surprised Spectator
"I really, really need to mow the grass. But I'll grill those pork chops for you instead." - Big Kahuna
"Look at all this stuff I got for free at Wal-Mart!" - Surprised Spectator
McCloud is quickly mastering getting said right fist in her mouth. Hurray for self soothing!
Busby and Janet are learning to count from 11 to 20.
Busby and Janet are learning that there is more to They Might Be Giants than the ABCs and 123s.
Busby and Janet are learning that there is more to the music world than They Might Be Giants.
Big Kahuna is getting me tickets to see Vinyl Cafe live when it comes to town. Woo Hoo!
Shoo Monster...and I don't mean Imelda Marcos
Tonight, like most other nights, he came out of his room. Only this time he said "My arm is scared." Hmmm..... "Which arm." "This one." (Indicating the left.) I kissed his scared left arm three times, then told him to take it back to bed. Before Daddy comes and bites it.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Chocolate Fountain
I arrived home to Big Kahuna carrying some trash out to the garage. When I got out of the car, BK asked me how much chocolate I had given to Janet. I hadn't given any chocolate to Janet, and told BK that she had chocolate milk at lunch. He said, "No, she just got in trouble, and then threw up. It was a lot of chocolate." I personally found this puzzling since I hadn't given her any chocolate. I walked in and looked around. I discovered that I had left a bag of Dove dark chocolates sitting open on an end table. Janet also discovered that I had left a bag of Dove dark chocolates sitting open on an end table. From the evidence, she ate about 10 of them. Then got in trouble for an unrelated offense and cried so hard she threw it all up on her father. All in all, a rather effective way of dirtying up a mostly white shirt.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Do I make it worse by talking about it?
It started out when I found this link in this blog. It is a moving commercial that is being shown in Victoria, Australia. The song ("Pictures of You") especially caught me, so I decided to look for it on You Tube.
That lead me not only to two different versions of the song (I like both), but also to something I didn't know existed: Harry Potter tribute videos. There are several devoted to Severus Snape's life-long love of Lily Potter. (Freaky. Freaky. Freaky. But someone has done some beautiful artwork that is totally not based on the story line. More likely what the artist imagines Snape's ideal life with Lily Evans would have been like.) There are many, many videos set to lots of different songs that memorialize those that die in Deathly Hallows. Most of these videos look to have been made after Deathly Hallows the book came out, and after the movie of Goblet of Fire came out but before Order of the Phoenix was released on video. I am totally weirded out and at the same time totally hooked.
On a different, but equally disturbing note, I am once again taking prescription pain killers while breastfeeding a child. The first time was when I had surgery in Janet's 4th month of life. At that time I was taking Tylox (a lovely combination of Tylenol and OxyCodone), which I credit for Janet starting to sleep through the night. This time I'm taking Vicodin. It was prescribed for my post-childbirth related pain. But I didn't really need it then. I need it now. This cut in my hand really, really hurts. I'm pretty sure the Vicodin is why McCloud is so sleepy today. I was assured that it was perfectly safe for breastfeeding, otherwise I wouldn't be taking it.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Adventures in Knife Juggling
I did a seriously bonehead thing. I was cutting a sweet potato in half (lengthwise, not that it matters). I was holding the potato and cutting toward my hand, and the knife broke through and then some. I have 2" long laceration (I like to use the big, technical terms) between my thumb and index finger on my left hand, which is now decorated by six lovely stitches. You can't see them right now because there's a big stack of gauze bandages on them.
I had my wits about me, and immediately applied a clean dish towel to the large, nasty cut in my hand. Then I picked up the phone and cried when my husband didn't answer his phone. My next call was to my sister, who skipped out on the last 10 minutes of work to come rushing to my aid. Then I called my husband's work's dispatch, and Amy the dispatcher very kindly got Big Kahuna on the radio and told him to call his wife, then find someone else to wash his truck for him. In there somewhere I applied gauze and tape to my hand so I wasn't carrying a dish towel around with me.
The neighbor came over and stayed with Busby and Janet until my sister arrived, then BK, McCloud and I headed for the ER. (McCloud came with us because I'm still her sole source of nourishment.) Overall, we had exactly the high level of service and care that I expected from the ER staff, with the exception of one nurse. The nurse we had back in the treatment room had a less than fabulous bedside manner. He was removing the bandage I applied to my hand, which kind of stuck a little. To assist things, he sprayed an antiseptic spray. I said "OUCH!" and he said "Oh, I didn't warn you about that." BK told him to watch out, as he (the nurse) hadn't previously been warned about my right hook. The nurse's bedside manner improved appreciatively after that. At the end of it, he let us take home the scissors, tweezers and clamp thinger from the suture kit. (He was going to throw them away otherwise. And we were going to be billed for them no matter what.)
Also, in spite of the fact that I haven't had a tetanus shot since 1994, I didn't get one tonight since I'm still nursing McCloud. I'm supposed to ask her doctor if it's ok for me to get the shot. There's not a huge concern, though, since this was a kitchen accident and not an animal bite or some other nasty incident.
So, this means showers with a glove on my hand for the next two weeks. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to have Big Kahuna wash my hair in the sink. Already diaper changes and breastfeeding have proved slightly painful. Wish me luck.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Happy Mothersteim's Day
McCloud and I didn't make it to church yesterday. But Big Kahuna took Bubsy and Janet with him to choir practice then deposited them in Sunday School. When they came home, Busby walked in, very excited and holding out a bag and said "Happy Motherstiem's Day Mommy!" and gave me a potted plant that was supplied by Mrs. B, one of his Sunday School teachers. (You may recall that he kept declaring "Happy Balensteim's Day" on February 14th.) I almost fell over laughing, and needed tissues for the tears running down my face. Tears of happiness.
I hope your Mothersteim's Day was great.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
What's in a name?
But Busby has developed an annoying habit. He has started calling us "mama" and "dada." And using a really baby-ish tone when doing it. Last night at dinner, I reminded him that I am "Mommy" and that Daddy is "Daddy." Then Big Kahuna said "I'd liked to be called 'Funky Winkerbean.'" (Big Kahuna looks nothing like Funky Winkerbean, by the way.) So I asked Busby to call his daddy "Funky Winkerbean." To which he responded "Funny Weinerbeans." It only devolved from there. I can't remember all of the variations, but I can tell you I was still laughing about it when I went to bed last night. Busby eventually landed on "Funny Weinerforkandspoon." Today he went back to calling daddy "Daddy."
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Home on the Range
As you probably saw from Big Kahuna's post, labor and delivery went very smoothly. I could not have imagined things would go so very well. I know I shouldn't say this, but it was an easy labor. The most painful part was getting the epidural, because the anesthesiologist initially put the catheter in a little to the right, which caused incredible pain in my hip. But since I let him know that was the situation, he took care of everything, and all was well.
Delivery was incredibly fast. 3 pushes. I was shocked! I actually said to the doctor, "That was it?" But there she was. My beautiful, amazing McCloud.
It took a while, but I've figured out who she looks like. She looks like Busby did when he was born. The only difference is the plumbing.
The hospital stay was great until I took some oxycodone last night. While it did take care of the pain, it caused incredible nausea and dizziness. I have learned my lesson, and my doc didn't prescribe it for me. I did order and eat a lot of the free 24-hour room service. I wasn't kidding about the grilled cheese and chocolate shakes. The hospital staff was really, really great, and I loved all the nurses. Maggie from Labor & Delivery came by today before we left to see us again. She really is awesome.
Busby and Janet have done really well with the baby. Busby keeps his distance, and Janet keeps giving her kisses. I had to keep telling her to leave the bassinet alone, but I think she's getting it now.
Like I said, we're home. All of us. Busby and Janet are in bed (I hope). McCloud is sleeping (which she does quite a bit of). Big Kahuna is doing the dishes. I'm sitting here typing. Life is good.
For a bit of fun, click here.
Monday, April 28, 2008
McCloud has arrived !!!
We checked in to the hospital at about 7:30 this morning to get things started, Momma was greeted by Maggie ( our, ok her nurse ) with a big hug and peck on the cheek. When I arrived with last minute luggage Momma was absolutely glowing! Maggie has been a labor and delivery nurse for quite some time, when asked how long had she been a L&D nurse she simply smiled and said I started this morning about an hour ago. So that may have been when she clocked in this morning but she also talked about being in “her art” (Nursing, and she did have it down to a art form) and helping with the delivery of some people in our community that are that are about my age! She kept us very comfortable and very happy! THANK YOU MAGGIE.
McCloud made her appearance at 12:06pm (noon). She weighed 8 lbs. even and is 20 inches long. She has blondish baby hair that actually looks like she has highlights, and the instant I saw her she yanked my heart out and wrapped it around her little finger. Pretty tricky prospect seeing as this has happened about the same time after Janet was borne as well. I called Grandma and Grandpa to tell them and also talked to Busby, when I told him that I was holding his new baby sister he gave the most excited giggle and said “I love you daddy” and then asked Grandma to turn on the movie. All is well baby and momma doing super and I am headed to bed besides I need to leave the high points of the day for momma to blog about.
Big Kahuna
Sunday, April 27, 2008
What to say about her? How should I describe her? She's bright, she absorbs everything. She loves shoes and purses. She hates for me to brush her hair until I say it's time to do her hair, then she will sit still. She loves to splash in the bath tub. She's generous and selfish at the same time. She's moody, and she's a screamer. She loves me and her dad and her brother, and wants her own way all the time. She eats almost anything you give her. She calls the lava lamp the "apple light." She has a big plush cat that she calls "Puppy." She has a small plush cat that she calls "Monkey." She sucks her thumb, and holds a binky against her forehead as she falls asleep. She doesn't like to say please with her requests. But she does anyway. She's fast to say thank you and fast to apologize. She loves to play with the toy kitchen. She loves her new baby doll stroller. She doesn't love to share her toys, but does anyway, because we make her brother share. She has blond, curly hair that I haven't had cut yet. Because I just can't bear to. She has hazel eyes that will drill into your soul. Her favorite movie is "The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's."
That's just a glimpse of Janet. She's amazing. Happy Birthday, baby girl.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Getting to know (someone else's) baby
My kids are absolutely enamoured with the sitter's baby. I think it has helped Busby understand just what we mean when we say "when the baby comes." Janet thinks the baby is the coolest thing in the world, and it has usurped the sitter's husband's spot as #1 in Janet's mind.
As for me, still pregnant. Still hungry. But now I have extra sneezing. Maybe it will help things move along.
The play by play of inaction
Thursday Morning: Sensation and positivity that my water broke.
Not so much.
Thursday Afternoon: Slept it off.
Thursday evening: 1 contraction. While watching a documentary on debt.
Friday Morning: Sitting at my desk. Last day of work.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
McCloud is coming, with or without assistance.
If she doesn't come on her own, we'll have her on Monday with the assistance of Pitocin. And an epidural.
That would put the girls' birthdays one day apart. Which will probably not be the first thing that we do to anger them. ;)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Popcorn and Contractions
For the last several evenings, I have had much lower abdominal pain and discomfort, often resulting in me doubling over. (Contractions for first two kids were very low, contractions experienced so far: very low.) Then (TMI alert!!!) I pass gas, and all is well again. Which isn't what I really wanted. I wanted to be in labor so we can get on with the business of bringing up baby.
Big Kahuna dragged out the screens yesterday afternoon, repainted them, and between us we got the storm windows out and the screens in. Yeah for cool, fresh air throughout the house.
This morning: many irregular, non-gas related lower abdominal pains. Nothing earth shattering, but annoying and uncomfortable nonetheless.
25 minutes ago: Crabby kids put themselves to bed to "take a rest." I need to go check that they aren't jumping on the beds, but it's nice that at least Busby is recognizing that all this arguing with Mommy isn't getting him anywhere, and maybe taking a nap would make things better.
All morning without relenting: my overwhelming hunger. I am so, so, so hungry. What do I want to eat? Chocolate. And only chocolate. What am I eating? Popcorn, that the microwave's autotimer burned. Oh, and Orange Kool-Aid. Because that's just a winning combination to crush my desire to eat all the chocolate in my house, the neighbor's house, and all the chocolate at Target.
Speaking of Target, I received an invitation to a friend's bridal shower. She and her husband have registered at Target, Kohl's, Pampered Chef, and (this is so fitting!) Lowe's. Who knew that Lowe's had a bridal registry? It fits her perfectly, though. I only hope she will share those tools with her new husband.
Yesterday, I accepted a full-time position with my law firm. I will begin doing this after some maternity leave. (There apparently is a question whether the boss will allow 8 weeks off, but we'll work it out one way or another.) I'll be honest, I'm not really happy about taking a full-time job at this point in my kids' life, but there doesn't seem to be an alternative at this point. But, this will get us out of debt faster (HIP HIP HOORAY!!!) and get us a mini van faster (HIP HIP HOORAY!!!). Plus, since Big Kahuna works in a construction-related industry, we don't anticipate that he will be able to earn as much this year as last, since building is down in his market.
I checked out out Jessica Seinfeld's cookbook, Deceptively Delicious, from the library. While I'm on board with the idea, the bulk of those recipes are just not for my family. So it's going back well before the due date. I also checked out a couple of books on once-a-month cooking, which I am supremely interested in. I've marked many pages that I would like to copy down information from, and try implementing.
As you can see from my side bar thingy, I'm reading "Siblings without Rivalry." It's interesting, and I'm going to try to stick with it. I'm hoping to learn a few things to help deal with the inevitable squabbles that I have to look forward to. Then I'll be reading a book about the effects of divorce 25 years later. (My parents divorced 22 years ago, so this is very much about my generation and my siblings.)
So long for now. I'll try to post again after this afternoon's OB appointment.
Friday, April 18, 2008
50 for my 50th
For my 50th post, I thought I would tell you 50 things about me and my family.
1. Big Kahuna and I met in 1994, but didn’t start dating until 1999.
2. We broke up 3 weeks before Christmas.
3. We got engaged on December 23, 1999. (As in, we weren’t even dating when we got engaged.)
4. We got married 8 months after he proposed.
5. I was raised Catholic.
6. Big Kahuna was raised Methodist.
7. I became a Methodist while engaged to Big Kahuna.
8. I hold no ill will toward the Catholic church. I just figured out it wasn’t for me.
9. We got married in the same church as Big Kahuna’s parents.
10. I am the oldest of 3 kids.
11. Big Kahuna is the 3rd of 4 kids.
12. We live in the house his maternal grandparents built.
13. I have an associates degree in Paralegal Studies.
14. Big Kahuna basically put me through paralegal school.
15. He’s so awesome.
16. Big Kahuna drives a concrete mixer.
17. I work 3 days a week in a law firm.
18. Some days we like our jobs.
19. Some days we don’t.
20. We were married for more than 4 years before Busby was born.
21. Busby and Janet were born 16 ½ months apart.
22. We planned it that way.
23. The receptionist in my law firm had to tell me I was in labor with Busby.
24. Busby was born in less than 8 hours of active labor.
25. Busby was 8 lb 12 oz at birth.
26. Busby weighed 20 lbs 1 oz at his first birthday.
27. Busby didn’t reliably walk on his own until he was 15 months old.
28. I was really, really big when pregnant with Janet.
29. Janet was born less than 12 hours after the induction process was started.
30. Janet was 9 lb 12 oz at birth.
31. Janet was 23 lbs at her first birthday.
32. Busby eats like a bird.
33. Janet doesn’t.
34. I am totally freaked and don’t know what to expect from McCloud.
35. Busby and Janet love VeggieTales and They Might Be Giants.
36. Big Kahuna is also a TMBG fan.
37. Big Kahuna does most of our car repairs.
38. Big Kahuna does all of our home repairs.
39. Big Kahuna is awesome like that.
40. My mother taught me to crochet and cross stitch.
41. I’m grateful to her for it.
42. My mother-in-law sent me to a beginner quilting class.
43. I’m grateful to her for it.
44. Big Kahuna bought me a really nice Viking sewing machine.
45. I don’t use it enough.
46. I wish I had more time for needlework of some kind.
47. I love that my time is sucked up playing with, reading to, bathing, dressing, and caring for my children.
48. I’m a terrible housekeeper.
49. I’m a good mother.
50. I’m a good wife.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wardrobe malfunction
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
You have got to be kidding me.
I've been trying to be really, really good, and eating lots of fruits to avoid the concentrated sugars in all that chocolate and cookies and brownies I have laying around. (Seriously. We still have 3 1/2 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies in the house.) But how many oranges and bananas can I eat before the baby is born? Apparently enough to stave off massive amounts of weight gain. But still. We're down to one banana and 2 oranges left in the house. Grocery day isn't until Saturday.
I feel like this, too.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Countdown to Baby (3 weeks-ish left)
I had an ultrasound today, and everything is looking good. Baby is estimated to be 6 lbs 13 oz.!!! At this point with Janet, she was 9 lbs. McCloud is really, really low, head down, and (in my opinion) undecided whether to start forcing her way out. Her very low position made it impossible to get a good picture of her face. But we have learned that she likes to hold her toes. I'm pretty sure this means we will never get her swaddled.
I also had a regularly scheduled OB appointment this afternoon. In light of the baby's light weight, and lack of dilation progress, she's going to take the wait and see approach, at least for the next couple weeks. I'm taking the day-to-day approach. This weekend I had some fairly intense contractions, though few and spread out. But they were real, and I was almost sure we were getting close. I've probably jinxed myself by being packed and purchasing a baby book. Also, we've left a bag for Busby & Janet over at Grandma & Grandpa's already.
Maybe she's waiting for us to finally settle on a name, or get it down to a couple of choices.
In other news, we got the kids (namely Janet) to take a tub bath. When we were getting ready, she was all good until she realized that Daddy was not getting ready as well. I put her in anyway. The thing that got her involved was pulling the shower curtain and letting them splash for a good 5 minutes. That got her wet and in the water. She let me wash her down without complaint. Yeah!
Well, Janet has latched onto this. She likes her Giants and she likes them loud. So before we are out of the garage, I usually hear a request of "Yowder, peas!" Unfortunately, she doesn't understand the need to listen to local traffic reports on our way to work. So I can turn it up, but then she yells "NO!" because we're listening to people talk, and not to the songs she wants.
I really think the Giants and Disney have something good going here. We have all of the Giants' children's albums*, and the kids love them. Busby and Janet have especially grabbed onto the "Here Come the 123's" and have learned most of the songs. The "7 Days of the Week" song alone is so worth it if it helps them learn the order of the days of the week. There are some bonus tracks that include the theme to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and a really fun song called "Hot Dog" that I believe is the closing song for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Also, the live versions of "John Lee Supertaster" and "Bed Bed Bed" are fun fun fun.
* Am I dating myself here? Who says "album" anymore?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Thanks Ed!
To thank you some more, I'm giving you, and everyone else, the following recipe:
Crock Pot Pork Loin
Serves: A bunch
3-5 lb pork loin
1 14.5 oz can beef broth
1 package dry Italian dressing mix (like Good Seasons)
1 jar Hot Ghardinera (near the pickles at the grocery)
1 jar perrocinis (also near the pickles)
Put the Pork Loin in the crock pot. Pour the remaining ingredients, including the juice from the jars, over the pork. Cook on low 8-10 hours. Shred and serve on hamburger buns with BBQ sauce (I like Sweet Baby Ray's) or some of the pan juices thickened with corn starch.
(Thanks to Beth T. for giving me the recipe in the first place.)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Countdown to Baby (4 weeks to go - maybe)
Janet has become increasingly defiant, and this concerns me only because I'm worried about how she will handle a new baby arriving in the house. Otherwise, I would chalk it up to being almost 2, and deal. Any thoughts?
McCloud is still a mover and a shaker, and I keep going "OH!" and getting funny looks from Big Kahuna. He knows it's not labor yet, and is expecting something more dramatic if I believe I'm actually in labor.
I got out the Newborn/0-3 Month baby girl clothing today, and to my horror discovered all kinds of spit-up stains. Turns out, this is fairly normal. I picked up some Biz at Target, and will launder the lot with this purportedly helpful product.
I'm down to weekly appointments with my OB. Today is 36 weeks 3 days. We're in the home stretch. I have an ultrasound scheduled for next week to check size and position. Size is the real concern, as Janet was 9lb 12oz at 37 weeks 4 days.
If you're squeamish, stop reading now.
Ok, I warned you...I'm 2-3 centimeters dilated, 50% effaced. You could look at that as progress, or remember that I can sit parked here for the next 4 weeks. Let's hope for progress.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
I don't have any arms
So, I had to get something together that would reasonable feed my family and that everyone will keep in their body for the proper amount of time. I came up with mac & cheese (shocking, I know) and canned peaches. Because it's fast, easy, and the kids will eat it. BK said he would also like a pb&j or fried cheese sandwich*. I opted for the former, which were fixed at the table. As you know, peanut butter is not Busby's "fabrit", so he just got jelly bread. Janet ate nearly an entire sandwich on top of her mac and cheese. I fixed a lovely sandwich for BK, and then I made one for myself.
I made the perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich for myself tonight. The perfect pb&j is a magical thing, because no matter how much practice you have, you can't make them all this perfect all the time. Somehow, it just doesn't happen the same way each time. Mine started out with the right bread (Meijer Brand Split Top White Bread in the blue bag), a scoop of Jif brand peanut butter that at first glance appeared to be way too much, but was perfect, and a small shovel load of Smucker's strawberry jam. It was incredible.
Janet is in the phase where she likes to name her physical features and point them out to you. Eyes, ears, hair, mouth, teeth, fingers, piggies. Tonight she said "arms." And I said "Where are your arms?" She batted her eyes at me. So I waived my arms around a bit and said "Arms!" Busby said, "Sissy, do you have arms?" She just looked at him blankly. "Daddy, do you have arms?" "Yes." "I have arms. Mommy, do you have arms?" "No, Busby, I do not have arms." (I love to mess with the kids sometimes. I blame Big Kahuna for this. His twisted sense of humor has rubbed off on me in the worst ways.) Busby seemed a bit perplexed. But recovered when I picked up my perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich and proceeded to eat it.
A few minutes later, Janet had to be reminded to keep her feet off of the dinner table. Busby had to be reminded to keep his hands out of his pull up while we are eating. Janet decided to try to scoop up her knee with her spoon. We asked if she could eat her knee, thinking she would lean over and take a bite. Instead she kept trying to scoop it up with her spoon. Eventually, the kids got tired of entertaining us. Busby, as usual, asked to be excused first. I asked him to show me his hands, which he and Janet did at the same time, jazz hands style.
* Because I prepare them in a skillet, Big Kahuna calls grilled cheese sandwiches "fried cheese sandwiches." I have adopted this name for them as well.
The gift that keeps on giving
As is typical when your toddler is sick, you get sick, too. First it was Big Kahuna. I will not describe his symptoms to you. Nor will I describe mine. Neither of us has exactly the same symptoms as Janet, but Big Kahuna has been feeling especially crummy.
I am only hoping at this point that Busby doesn't come down with it. We have less than 72 hours for it to clear the kids' systems so they can go to daycare on Wednesday.
A big huge thank you to Grandpa for picking up Busby this morning and taking him to church. Busby LOVES Sunday School. He loves his teachers (Grandma is one of them), he loves to talk about the lesson, he loves to read and reread the handout each week, and he loves the new songs he learns.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Big Kahuna, Age 33
5:00 a.m. Janet yelled "Ere arrrrrrr uuu?" I said "What?" Big Kahuna said, "I'll get it." Then 30 seconds later said, "Honey, I need your help." So I got out of bed, went to the kid's room to discover that Janet had, for the second time in 12 hours, emptied her body of all solid and not-so-solid waste, which overflowed out of her diaper and up the back of her jammies. We got her stripped, cleaned up, and in clean jammies. Since both kids were awake, I put Janet in bed with Busby, and both repeatedly asked me what I was doing while changing Janet's sheets. We got Janet back in bed, and started to head to our own bed. Busby kept stalling, then Big Kahuna brilliantly said, "Thank you for being such a big helper with Janet." That made Busby smile, and he seemed satisfied enough to stay in bed.
5:45 a.m. Both kids in our room. Both kids not saying anything. Then Big Kahuna said, "What are you doing?" Busby said, "Nothing." Big Kahuna said, "Ok, just lay down on the floor." And they did. For 10.2 seconds. Then they had to be escorted back to bed.
7:30ish a.m. Big Kahuna got up, put Janet's nasty jammies and bed sheets in the washing machine. The kids stayed asleep.
8:20ish a.m. I heard the washing machine start to walk across the basement. I got out of bed, found Big Kahuna reading this blog, thanked him for letting me sleep, and told him the washing machine was out of balance.
8:30 a.m. The kids got up. I reminded them that today is Daddy's birthday. Both kids ran to the kitchen and yelled "Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!" Then they helped me get his presents, which were not wrapped, and delivered them to Big Kahuna.
We went to the zoo today. For the first time we rode the zoo train. Before it left the station, Busby was crying because he cries sometimes when we are going to do something new. Then he got into and had fun. We saw most of the plains animals, and spent some time looking at the ducks and baby lemurs.
We came home at lunch time, at leftover mac and cheese and hot dogs, and then Janet filled her diaper again. And bless him, Big Kahuna changed her again, and put her down for a nap. Then I went down for a nap. I don't think Busby ever slept. Now I have to go to Stuff Mart.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Where are you?
But that's not the reason for the title of this post. It comes from a scene this morning:
I was leaving the bathroom after my shower at about 6:25 this morning. I heard Janet yelling "Moooooooommmmmmmmmmy, ere arrrrr uuu?" So I opened the kids' bedroom door to let her out, to which she responded with a big whispered "Shhhhhhhhhhh, Busby seepin."
Things I had forgotten
I had forgotten how hard on my right kidney it is to be 8 months pregnant. Maybe I should try sleeping on my left side more.
I had forgotten just how much it looks and feels like a Sigourney Weaver movie is taking place in an 8 month pregnant body.
I had forgotten what it really feels like to wake up convinced that someone is trying to rip your calf off of your leg with their bare hands.
I had forgotten how amazingly awesome my husband is when it feels like someone is trying to rip my calf off with their bare hands. He is usually the one with the presence of mind to get me to point my heel.
I had forgotten about how nasty pregnancy gas and heartburn are.
I had forgotten how ridiculously small newborn size diapers are. The lovely people at Huggies sent me one with some coupons. I almost fell off of my chair laughing at how small the cute little sample diaper is. I think Janet has a doll it will fit on. It's unlikely that it will fit on McCloud.
I had forgotten how frustrating pregnancy insomnia is. I hate getting out of bed in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, because then I'm awake for at least an hour.
I had forgotten how disabling pregnancy back pain can feel.
I had forgotten about the insane levels of pregtardancy that can be reached.
I had forgotten how insane the "So, what are we going to name this baby" conversations can be.
I had not forgotten the joy, wonder, and excitement over a new life taking shape in my overextended abdomen. Or how the smallest things can make me weepy. Usually with joy.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Dear Dr. Hicks
Thanks for nothing. You made my husband and my father-in-law believe I was playing an April Fools Joke yesterday. Not so much. Regular contractions every hour on the hour, moving up to every 30 minutes is not nice, especially at only 35 weeks gestation.
Next time, go bother someone else.
Surprised Spectator
P.S. No, I was not really in labor. No, I did not call my doctor. The pain was never bad enough to make me call her, plus I was never up to 4 contractions per hour. However, it did lead to much hilarity by tormenting my lawyer with this news the next day.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Horse Rides are Not for Whiners (or Kids Who Get Out of the Cart)
Busby let me sleep until 7:30 this morning, so I was feeling rested in spite of the fact that I was up for an hour of pregnancy insomnia last night. Busby wanted freezer waffles for breakfast. He ate 3 bites and declared himself done. Janet woke just after 8:00, and requested pop tarts. She ate more than her brother (typical). Then I got them dressed and out the door at 9:15ish. Yeah me!!
Busby then insisted on talking each and every time I tried to turn the radio volume up. I think it was because I wouldn't play the CD he wanted. He also kept insisting that he "knows what it means" but couldn't tell me what he was talking about.
We made it Stuff Mart, I found a cart that would hold two kids, my purse, my reusable bags*, and my clip board with my shopping list. We were going around the store, and Busby kept asking to walk. I don't feel he's trustworthy enough to stick with me yet, so I told him no. Halfway through the store he undid his belt and got off the cart anyway. So we had a discussion in the middle of canned goods about how if he doesn't start listening to Mommy and stay in the cart, there will be no horse ride. (Stuff Mart has the mechanical horses for a penny. No joke.) Well, 2 fits and 4 times off the cart later, we were through the checkout and heading out. Both kids crying because there would be no horse rides today. I don't feel bad about it at all. Those horse rides should be a reward, and I will not reward disobeying Mommy's directions.
We got out to the car, and the door swung back and hit Janet in the face. She has a lovely red mark just beside her eye.
Now, for much cuteness: On the way home, Busby said "Mommy, I'm sleepy. Can I take a rest when we get home?" Sure thing, Kiddo. Only he stayed in bed for a mere 7 minutes. Then got up and asked for lunch. Oh well.
Long story abbreviated: I took my 8 month pregnant self and two toddlers grocery shopping without backup and survived to tell the story. Also, Coupon Savings = $17.75. Total Savings (sale prices + coupons) = $46.63. Woo Hoo!!! Now I need a nap.
* I purchased 5 reusable bags last week at Stuff Mart. Stuff Mart and another local grocery store sell them for $1 each. They are quite handy, and I learned today that when you bring them in and use them, you get some type of credit on your grocery bill. YEAH!!! But what is up with Target charging $1.49 for theirs?
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Reading the signs
Earlier this week, while I was at the doctor for my 34 week prenatal appointment, Busby and his grandma played with some letter magnets and cards, and Busby put them in order, on his own. Then he put the number magnets in order from 1-9.
I'm so amazed and proud of him. I often wonder if I'm not doing enough to encourage his learning of letters and numbers. But he has done soooo well. He has learned his colors, he knows most shapes, and can give you the total low down on Stop signs: it's a octagon, it's red, and has the letters S-T-O-P.
On Tuesday I introduced the joys of Candy Land to my children. The box says for ages 3-6, so I figured I have just enough maturity to pull it off. It's a Winnie the Pooh edition. Busby did very well. Janet, on the other hand, only wanted to play with Poops (Pooh) and the Cow (Eyeore). I have never heard Eyeore "moo" before. It was a definite improvement over his usual demeanor. Busby really started to get the hang of identifying the direction of the path, and when the next time the selected color appears. I'll be honest, I made sure he won the first couple times we played. Tonight I didn't do that. And he didn't even notice. He was thrilled that my Piglet piece made it to the party, and was happy for his Tigger piece to join mine.
Busby has begun interacting with Diego on the videos. It is so adorable, I almost can't stand it. He answers the questions, yells out the words with prompted, and does the lifting, climbing and swimming motions. Diego may be one of the most annoying characters ever, but the kids love him.
Oh, joy of joys, the new They Might Be Giants Here Come the 123's CD/DVD arrived this week!!! It is sooo much fun. You can click over to Amazon and listen to the samples. But I'll be honest, it is totally worth purchasing.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Celebrate Birth Stories Day

Busby's due date was December 22. At 5:00 on the morning of December 15 I woke up absolutely sure that my water had broken. So I laid there and waited for the inevitable whoosh of nasty. Nothing happened. I decided I was likely wrong about my water breaking, and went back to sleep for an hour. I got up at 6:00 as usual and got ready for work.
At work, I kept having to go to the bathroom. Every time I stood up I felt like I was peeing my pants. At about 9:00 I squatted down to put something away on a low book shelf and felt a nasty pain in my lower abdomen. I decided it wasn't a contraction, because it was NOT AT ALL the way my doctor described a contraction would feel. I complained to the receptionist about having to pee a lot, because she was pregnant as well, and I thought I should warn her about the increased frequency in bathroom trips. Well, she decided that I needed to go to the doctor, and involved two of the lawyers. They were waiting for me when I returned from the restroom, and informed me that I should call the doctor. I called, was told to come in, and was driven to the doc's office. The doctor confirmed that my water had indeed broken, and that I was in labor, and that I had plenty of time before I needed to worry about delivering wee Busby. She projected that he would arrive between midnight and 2 a.m. Therefore, Big Kahuna took me home so he could shower. I fixed him a pb&j between what I steadfastly refused to believe were contractions. (I am the greatest wife ever.)
We arrived at the hospital at 3:00 p.m., began check-in, and were escorted to labor & delivery. My not-contractions were getting bad enough that it was decided to complete my check in process in my hospital room. I got the epidural at 5:30ish (I think), began pushing at 6:15ish, and Busby arrived at 7:03 p.m., 8 lbs 12 oz and all red.
At 37 1/2 weeks pregnant with Janet I was induced due to miss thing being large for gestational age. We arrived at the hospital at about 6:15 a.m., checked in, and were escorted to L&D. At about 7:30 the drugs were introduced. Labor progressed painlessly. I ate all of the Popsicles they had and watched Muppet movies on the room's DVD player. Then my doc stopped by at lunch and broke my water. That's when the fun began and I demanded an epidural. At 2:15 I told the nurse it was time, the doc arrived shortly, I began pushing at 2:45, and Janet popped out at 3:00 p.m. Then I demanded some lunch.
Both Busby and Janet were delivered at the same hospital, and that is the place where we plan to deliver McCloud. It's a great facility, and it has the best grilled cheese sandwiches and chocolate shakes. And I absolutely take advantage of the 24 hour room service.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
I nominate myself ...
1. I woke my children up from their naps. (Sorry, Mother-in-law. I know this violates your "never wake a sleeping baby" rule.) Reason: The kiddos didn't go down for "resting time" until 5:00. At 6:20 I woke them up to eat some dinner. Also, so they won't wake up at 5:30 tomorrow morning, they will be staying up 30 to 60 minutes past their bed time.
2. Instead of insisting that they eat their mac-n-cheese and hot dogs for dinner, I let them eat Easter candy. (And what better way to honor the risen Lord than with Peeps and Pez?)
3. In order to quell the whining after dinner (dessert?), they watched Sumo of the Opera. Beginning at 7:30 ish. Actually, I really enjoy Sumo. There's a really fun bit about the history of St. Patrick. Did you know that his given name was Maewyn Succat? It's fun to say "Maewyn Succat has a nice ring to it" when discussing baby names.
4. I ignored them for 20 minutes while talking on the phone to a friend whose cat just died unexpectedly. I kept saying, "Go ask Daddy."
So, thanks for your consideration on this nomination.
The Easter Report: I hope you and yours had as nice an Easter as we did. The Easter Bunny left lovely gifts and chocolate filled plastic eggs for the kids. Their favorite part was the blue plastic grass that Busby kept "flowering" with the new toy watering can that Janet received with her sandbox toys. ("I have to flower the grass, Mommy.") Today was my first Sunday getting the kids to church solo, and it went pretty well. (Thank goodness for TMBG's ABC DVD that auto plays so that I can shower and dress.) We got to the church on time for Sunday School, which I dropped Busby off for. Janet was deposited in the nursery. I ditched adult Sunday School to hang out with the Choir for an hour. After Sunday School, Busby insisted on attending worship with me, did pretty well, and kept telling me "Jesus loves you". At the end of worship Busby hung out with Uncle D. while I joined the chancel choir for the annual singing of the Hallelujah Chorus. It was a lot of fun! Then we retrieved Janet from the nursery, where she had had enough of the other little uns, and was quickly on the hunt for Daddy and Grandpa. We had a great time at Grandma & Grandpa's until late in the afternoon when Janet cried so hard she made herself sick. Then we packed up and came home to the late naps and candy for dinner. Happy Easter. He is Risen Indeed!
Friday, March 21, 2008
How to make Orange Chicken
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Conquering the bathing dilema
Back in the saddle
So far, nothing unusual. Changing the kids into jammies went much smoother than I anticipated. Janet climbed into bed on her own, but I think that's partially because she's not feeling well (see 101.9 post). And now I hear Busby playing out of his bedroom. Like I said, so far, nothing unusual.
Wish me luck. This looks like my Thursdays for the immediate future.
Update: Busby wanted to be rocked. He does this often. I just need to sit on the bed, hold him close, and rock back and forth. Janet was passed out. I think this is a new track record. It could also be the fever.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Pat your head and rub your tummy
Saturday, March 15, 2008
New fears or just being (almost) 2?
What's up with this new attitude? Up to now, she has loved bath time. She loves (loved) to get in while the tub is still filling and fill up toys under the running water. She would get upset when it was time to get out, not time to get in.
This morning she really needed a bath. We had pancakes for breakfast, and she smeared syrup all over her head. There was no getting out of a good scrubbing. We put her in, she stood up and cried and demanded to get out. That makes washing her without washing the floor really, really hard.
I don't get it. And I hope it passes soon.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Tantrum watch: 3/15/08
Tantrum #1: I wouldn't let her walk around the house with a sippy cup of milk. (I have been trying to enforce a "take a drink and leave the cup on the table" rule.) Janet didn't appreciate this imposition on her plans, so enter the tantrum. She screams, cries, points, says a lot of "no's," screams some more, demands her cup, then throws herself face down on the floor and begins to flail and kick her feet. She turns over on her back and discovers that she can kick higher and harder in this position. This exciting discovery is not enough to deter the tantrum for a good 3 minutes. I just ignored her and continued my conversation with Grandpa. She eventually got over it, and got up to play.
Tantrum #2: Grandma took Janet outside to see the deer that were invading the back yard. Then Grandma brought her back in. Apparently against her will. She cried, screamed, pointed to the window, demanded to go out, then threw herself on the floor, this time assuming the face up position much more quickly to try out her newfound tantrum feature of kicking harder than ever. I again reminded her that there would be consequences for making herself sick, and walked away. (That, by the way, is one of the joys of Grandma & Grandpa's house: walking away from a crying child because you know there is someone else that will help out.) She eventually got over it, as expected.
There was a third episode this evening that, had she been on the ground, would likely have been Tantrum #3. I was getting her out of the car, which she didn't appreciate because she specifically requested Daddy. I got the 89 point harness on her carseat undone, lifted her out, and she immediately started flailing, almost causing me to drop her on the hard concrete garage floor. I hollered, Big Kahuna came to help, and carried her under his arm while she threw her fit, and I didn't have to my belly pummeled by two angry legs.
The week in review (or a lack of anything substanative to write)
2. Physical therapy is going fine so far. The reason for PT is nasty hip pain. There's more to it, but the details almost amount to too much information on a blog about the kids.
3. The kids have not adjusted well to Daylight Saving Time. Janet especially is having a hard time, since she would prefer to sleep in an hour later than Busby.
4. In spite of the time change, Busby was up and out of bed at 6:15 this morning. He came in the bathroom while I was showering and asked for pancakes.
5. I'm pretty sure if Busby had his way, we would eat pancakes for breakfast and mac & cheese for lunch every day. You can ask him any day of the week, and he'll generally give those as his preferred meal choice.
6. When ever I ask Janet a yes/no question, she immediately answers no, then often reconsiders and answers yes. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to commit until she's considered her options for .0010 seconds.
7. Speaking of Janet, she had 2 doozy tantrums at Grandpa & Grandma's this evening. I just calmly reminded her that there would be consequences if she made herself sick, then I walked away.
8. It's 10:00 p.m., I haven't done my grocery list for tomorrow yet, and there are 4 1/2 boxes of Girl Scout cookies sitting next to me. Something about this picture isn't right.
9. Left over pizza: refrigerate or not? I say refrigerate, because it's nasty to eat leftovers that have been sitting out all night. Big Kahuna says "if you left this out, you could probably still eat this a month after cooking it" -- because of the preservatives. What do you think? Leave a comment, anonymous or otherwise, so at least I know you are out there.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Kickboxing with McCloud
But she is a real mover. I mean it. I'm convinced she's leading a 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (sometimes later) kickboxing aerobics class for my kidneys. She moves, she rumbles, and I could have sworn I heard someone yelling out directions last night.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
His new best friend.
"Her is my new best friend."
How could you not love that? I'm pretty sure he's quoting The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's, since he keeps talking about Yellow McToad. But it's still so sweet that he said it about his sister.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Their first fight
Janet was playing with Busby's new toy car. Busby was not thrilled with the idea, and tried to take it away. Janet did what she often does when she has something she doesn't want to give up, she runs for it and looks for a place to hide her head. This time she ran directly into my belly, which woke up her sister, and caused McCloud to start flipping and spinning all over the place.
It's an hour later, and McCloud still hasn't settled down.
I think it freaks out Busby and Janet to feel McCloud moving around in there, so they just refuse to touch my belly when I offer. Janet was once sitting with me on the sofa, and basically laying against my belly, when she was jabbed by the baby. Janet looked at me with the biggest eyes and kind of freaked out that there was something alive in there. Thank goodness she won't remember that. Until she reads this.
Enjoying the warmness
I'll be honest, at first I wasn't thrilled. Busby was in desperate need of a haircut, and I wanted to get to the grocery for the excellent chicken sale. I promised Busby I would buy him some new shoes today if he didn't cry while getting his hair cut. Plus I needed to make that physical therapy appointment that I've been avoiding. But I realized that with rain coming this afternoon, we should take serious advantage of the beautifulness that God provided us this morning. So we went to the zoo.
It was almost perfect. There were like 20 visitors there. The lions were happy to hang out and be roared at by Janet. As was the tiger. Busby loved every minute of it, and because there was no one around, he was able to run freer than usual. We went in the underwater dolphin dome, and again, because there was no one else around, the kids just ran back and forth and watched the dolphin show from underneath. We saw the sharks and the sea horses and the clown fish and the penguins. Janet seemed a bit frightened by the penguins, but she was also very tired at the time, so I can't say that I blame her. We got to see the seals being fed, and the trainers had them do a few tricks for us. Also, huge bonus: no line at the ladies room! Down side: no elephants or giraffes, which are Busby's favorite. But he was such trooper, and just kept leading us to the next exhibit.
And all was not lost. We got Busby's hair cut, purchased some new shoes, went to the grocery store, and I have a PT appointment on Saturday. The only thing I didn't get done today was the thing I forgot to put on my list, which is call the investment guy about Janet's 529 plan. No biggie. I'll call tomorrow, then I can get our taxes filed. (Yeah upcoming tax refund!!)
Sunday, March 2, 2008
My Apologies
Ok, I'm not a dork. But I have to be honest, setting this thing up felt kind of silly at first. So I poked some fun at myself. But calling myself a dork for blogging is, to me, rather insulting. That is, it's insulting to the bloggers that I read and admire.
So, my apologies to the likes of Julie, Julia, Tiffany, Anne and the others. And I guess to myself. It seems like time to cut myself a little slack.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Overheard at dinner tonight
"My baby's name is Farmer Pickles!" "No. No pickles." "I said Farmer Pickles, that's funny!"
I'm sure it's March 1
She's growing up and falling down
This morning she fell while climbing out of bed. I heard "I'm in pain" crying through my mostly unconscience fog which caused me immediately leap out of bed and move briskly across the hall to retrieve my crying daughter.
This resulted in 2 things. Now Janet would be laying in the big bed with me and Busby (Big Kahuna had to work this morning) and now I have this uncomfortable, almost strained muscle feel at the bottom of my belly.
I knew the day was coming that I would need to buy a maternity support contraption. I'm on minute 5 of hold with the local Babies R Us waiting for someone to tell me if they have the one I like from the website in stock.
Good news, they have it, and at the website price. I'm going to give this a shot over the 18 belt contraption my OB recommends, because it's about 1/2 the cost, and I have a BRU gift card! This is a must purchase if I'm going to make it through a grocery shopping trip in the immediate future. Especially a trip to Stuff Mart.